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9 Freelance Writing Services You Can Offer (Even as a Beginner!)

9 Freelance Writing Services You Can Offer (Even as a Beginner!)

by Kirsty Wilson


Could you be offering more freelance writing services?

Let’s face it…

You’re probably not earning as much income as you’d like. And the feast-or-famine nature of being a freelancer can be stressful.

But what if a freelance writer (like yourself) could capitalize on their current skills, finding a way to turn them into a cash-generating machine?

Whether you realize it or not, you’re a wealth of valuable marketing information. That’s why you should be using your marketing know-how to offer freelance writing services so compelling, potential clients won’t be able to resist. 

What kinds of services?

Don’t worry; we’ve got you. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new writer, we have nine ideas that will breathe life into your content writing repertoire and beef up your paycheck.

Let’s get started.

9 Best Freelance Writing Services

1. Turn Insta Skills into Insta Cash: Social Media Management

social media strategy social icons

Are you a marketing hotshot with insane communication skills? Can you create short, appealing social media content?

Then taking charge of a company’s social media strategy or ad campaigns could be right up your alley. Many businesses struggle to connect with audiences and create a commanding online presence.

These clients may be time-poor or don’t have the know-how. Businesses are willing to pay big bucks to get more eyeballs on their product pages to boost revenue.

This is where you can step in and offer a content writing service that will take their online presence to the next level.

Your Job

As a social media manager, your job is to plan, create and update your client’s site with engaging, brand-building marketing content.

You’ll also need to handle social media questions and feedback.

Find the Job

Browse sites such as Upwork, Freelancer, FlexJobs, and LinkedIn.

If you have some clients under your belt, why not ask if you can take charge of their social media ads? You’re already familiar with their brand, tone, and products.

Pitch some ingenious ideas to help them power up their social presence.

2. Become a Blog Writer’s Sidekick: Write and Manage Blogs

professional writer woman writing on laptopprofessional writer woman writing on laptop

Blogs always need more quality content.

Tap into your blog writing superpowers, and offer to write and manage your clients’ blogs.

Your Job

You create compelling content and update older blogs with relevant information.

Other responsibilities may include link building, outreach, and SEO research.

Find the Job

Talk to your clients.

Offer to write a guest post connecting their business with current events.

Or, better yet, straight-up offer a paid blog writing service, creating long-form list and how-to posts to drive organic search traffic to their site.

Want a step-by-step guide for writing blog posts from scratch? Read our kick-butt Smart Blogger guide to starting a blog.

3. Work Behind the Scenes: Ghostwriting

freelance writing services person writing in darkfreelance writing services person writing in dark

Many freelance writers start off ghostwriting.

A time-poor business owner lacking the creativity (or desire) to write for themselves will often hire a ghostwriter.

It’s a great way to kick off your freelance writing business from the sidelines.

Your Job

Ghostwriting means you’re creating written content such as articles, e-books, or autobiographies.

But don’t expect to see your name up in lights — you won’t receive any acknowledgment for your work.

Find the Job

Ghostwriting covers a wide variety of services, and the type of writing job you undertake makes a vast difference in pay.

On a job board like Upwork, transcription jobs can earn you between $10 and $20 per hour. Writing landing page copy, however, can bring in upwards of $100 per hour.


Get creative and search for freelance jobs outside the box!

For example, you could offer to assist a successful freelance writer with first drafts. You earn, learn, and gain experience, and they’re able to take on more work.

4. Geek-Out on Grammar: Proofreading and Editing

content writer editingcontent writer editing

Do you have a meticulous eye for spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

It’s time to stop trolling the grammatically challenged and harness your error-spotting skills for good, not evil.

Offer up your proofreading and editing services and make money doing something you would probably give away for free.

What’s the difference between editing and proofreading?

Proofreading tends to focus on spelling, typos, and grammar.

Editing involves checking for issues with content, style, clarity, and accuracy.

Your Job

Freelance proofreading services can cover anything from academic research to online magazines.

However, understanding the type of content you’re editing and/or proofreading is critical. Writing for a blog post is entirely different from writing an essay.

Find the Job

If you want to dip your toe into the proofreading pool, check out ProofreadingServices. This site offers flexible working schedules and competitive pay. Plus you can work from any country!

Also, check out Upwork and LinkedIn.

5. Educate the World: Create Online Courses

freelance writing services online learningfreelance writing services online learning

Talented masterminds create online courses to share their rockstar skills with learners across the globe.

And they make serious money doing it.

But, while they may be legends in their field, they often lack the skills to create an engaging course.

The field is ripe with opportunities for an experienced writer with the ability to organize information in a clear and easy-to-understand format.

Your Job

Design and write the course material.

This means anything from writing scripts and building presentations to managing student enrollments.

Find the Job

If this type of job is eye candy for your creative skills, check out jobs on Indeed.

If your client doesn’t have a Learning Management System (LMS) account, create one for free at Xperiencify, Teachable, or Thinkific.  These platforms will do all the heavy lifting for you so you can concentrate on the content.

6. Manage Someone’s Life: Virtual Assistant

freelance writing services virtual assistantfreelance writing services virtual assistant

Are your organizational skills badass?

Do you have a background in office work or administration?

Consider tapping into virtual assistant services.

Offer your services to current clients — especially if they are bloggers. You already understand the content and can become a powerful asset to their team.

Your Job

A virtual assistant offers invaluable admin support.

This can include data entry, sending emails, making bookings, and taking calls. And the only person you’ll have to make coffee for is yourself.

Find the Job

Does this kind of work speak to you?

Read about Abbey Ashley’s journey to starting her own VA business at The Virtual Savvy and learn how to find VA gigs.

7. Bring Virtual Reality to Life: VE Coordinator

freelance writing services woman coordinating virtual eventfreelance writing services woman coordinating virtual event

Do you think of yourself as an event planning warrior?

Make the leap to virtual event coordination and gain a competitive edge in the online freelance writing services space.

Virtual Event software allows for hundreds (and even thousands) of people to connect worldwide. Due to the current global climate, the number of available jobs is skyrocketing.

Add this new skill set to your bag of tricks, and you’ll soon become the go-to guy or gal in this booming industry.

Your Job

Your job as a VE coordinator is to make sure the event goes as planned and be on hand to put out any virtual fires.

You may be responsible for event platform management, digital content creation, and branding.

You’ll also need great written communication skills to liaise with clients to maximize attendance for meetings, trade shows, job fairs, and webinars.

In this position, you can make your creative writing skills shine.

Find the Job

Browse for jobs on Indeed, Upwork, LinkedIn, or SimplyHired.

8. Sell with Seductive Marketing: Product Descriptions

freelance writing services four sigmatic mushroom drink product descriptionfreelance writing services four sigmatic mushroom drink product description

As online shoppers, we scrutinize the product descriptions of items we’re looking to buy.

Sometimes we know exactly what a product is and what it should do. Other times, we need a little help.

That’s where writing informative product descriptions comes into play.

A fitting, engaging description can nudge online shoppers to ‘buy now.’ And a great writer can take an everyday product and turn it into an alluring one.

Your Job

Got a knack for unique storytelling?

Help clients create engaging content to get their products flying off the shelves.

Find the Job

Why not send an introduction letter to your company of choice with a sample description of one of their products that you’ve purchased?

This may land you a long-term gig rewriting current and upcoming product descriptions.

9. Help Others Achieve their Dreams: Resumes and Cover Letters

freelance writing services resumefreelance writing services resume

While plenty of resumes end up in the trash, an impressive resume or cover letter can help an applicant land their dream job.

By focusing on resume writing services, you can charge a premium.

Turbo-charge your resume writing skills by taking a nationally recognized certification training.

Your Job

Create resumes from scratch with client-provided data, or edit existing resumes, providing critiques (as per resume best practices).

Find the Job

Browse for jobs on Indeed, Upwork, LinkedIn, or SimplyHired.

Does Freelance Writing Pay Well?

Those who dedicate their time to master the art of writing can absolutely make a decent living.

Just look at Smart Blogger’s founder, Jon Morrow. Not only did he enjoy a successful career as a freelancer, but he went on to build an entire company based on writing that generates millions in revenue.

But, you may be asking, “What should I charge for freelance writing?”

freelance writing services freelance writer's salaryfreelance writing services freelance writer's salary
Source: ZipRecruiter

Don’t fall into the trap of charging peanuts because you lack confidence.

Charge a livable rate for your services that fires you up to get out of bed each day. Search for clients that see your value and will accept your rate.

And remember that selling yourself is essential to gaining more (well-paid) writing gigs. ​

So, where to from here?

Ready to Expand Your Freelance Writing Services

Now we’ve armed you with 9 freelance writing services you can offer, even as a beginner.

Supercharge your writing and get paid for doing what you love — know your worth and suit up!

Start now and pull together some samples that showcase your kick-ass talent.

Go forth.

Create. Pitch. Dominate.


Photo of authorPhoto of author

Kirsty Wilson

Kirsty Wilson is an experienced content marketer, ESL teacher, and taco-taster. She specialises in Landing Page Copy and adding a touch of Aussie humour to lifestyle and travel blogs. Creating a whirlwind of chaos across the world, she documents her solo travels to inspire other Gen-X women to ‘have a go!’ View some of her other published work here.
The ultimate toolkit for becoming one of the highest-paid writers online. Premium training. Yours for free.


Written by Kirsty Wilson

Kirsty Wilson is an experienced content marketer, ESL teacher, and taco-taster. She specialises in Landing Page Copy and adding a touch of Aussie humour to lifestyle and travel blogs. Creating a whirlwind of chaos across the world, she documents her solo travels to inspire other Gen-X women to ‘have a go!’ View some of her other published work here.

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