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Fiction vs Nonfiction: Key Differences, Examples, & Benefits

Fiction vs Nonfiction: Key Differences, Examples, & Benefits

by Ivy Shelden

& Sarah Cha


Confused about the difference between fiction vs nonfiction? It’s not as simple as fantasy vs facts.

These two categories of literature encompass many different genres and styles.

And sometimes, the two categories even intersect.

Confused yet? Don’t worry — as an avid reader of both fiction and nonfiction since I could..well, read — I’ll help you understand:

  • The core characteristics of fiction and nonfiction (respectively!)
  • What makes the two categories different
  • The elements of great fiction and nonfiction

And if you’re curious about whether it’s better to read fiction or nonfiction, I’ll cover that too. (Spoiler alert: ALL reading is good!)

Are you ready? Because it’s about to get real bookish in here.

Let’s dig in!

Fiction vs Nonfiction: What’s the Difference?

The primary difference between fiction and nonfiction is that fiction literature is not based on facts or real events, and nonfiction is based in reality, facts and true events.

Another difference between fiction and nonfiction is their purpose. Fiction is primarily intended to entertain, where nonfiction is meant to inform and educate the reader.

Of course, nonfiction can be incredibly entertaining, and fiction can be informative. But those are not their primary purposes.

Some examples of well-known fiction books are:

  • The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

And here are some examples of nonfiction books:

  • TheDiary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
  • A Brief History of Time by Steven Hawking
  • Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Starting to understand the difference between fiction vs nonfiction? Let’s make things even more clear by deep diving into each of these two categories.

What is Fiction?

Fiction is creative work based on imaginary characters and plots. While a fiction story’s setting may be accurate, like in works of historical fiction, the characters are not based on real people, and the story doesn’t portray true events.

For example, one of the first fiction books I remember reading as a kid was the The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.

And while I often slid into my own closet, pushing past my clothes and hoping to step in to the land of Narnia, part of me always knew I’d soon run into the wall instead — because Narnia is only fiction. Darn!

Common Fiction Genres

woman holding a book with clouds and library backdropwoman holding a book with clouds and library backdrop

The Chronicles of Narnia series represents just one genre of fiction (fantasy). Fiction comes in many flavors, each genre presenting a unique world of storytelling. Other fiction genres include:

  • Literary Fiction: This genre is celebrated for its depth, character development, and introspective narratives. A fiction story often tackles complex themes and societal issues, for example, fiction books like Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, which delves into racial injustice and moral growth.
  • Mystery/Thriller: These stories are all about suspense, intrigue, and plot twists. They keep readers hooked with puzzles to solve and dangers to evade. A prime fiction book example is Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, a classic story that keeps readers guessing until the very end.
  • Science Fiction/Fantasy: These genres often explore alternate realities, advanced technology, and mythical beings. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is a hallmark of fantasy, creating an entire universe with its own history, languages, and races.
  • Romance: Central to these stories are love and relationships. They delve into the emotional dynamics between characters, often leading to a satisfying resolution. Nicholas Sparks’ A Walk to Remember is a beloved novel that explores the enduring power of love.
  • Historical Fiction: This genre offers a blend of accurate historical details with creative storytelling. Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth is an epic story of the Middle Ages, combining real historical elements with fictional characters and plots.

Elements of Great Fiction

You’ve heard about the different types (genres) of fiction, but what makes people actually want to read it? Several elements come together to make a work of fiction memorable and impactful:

  • Compelling Characters: We love fictional characters because we see ourselves in them. Whether it’s the playful and intelligent Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or the strong and rebellious Katniss Everdeen in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games, compelling characters stay with readers long after the fiction book is closed.
  • Engaging Plot: I’ll never forget the time I skipped class to read Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress (To be fair, it was math class). Fiction books keep us on the edge of our seats with dramatic conflicts, climaxes, and resolutions. An engaging plot often includes unexpected twists, like the intricate storylines in Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes series, where each twist keeps the reader deeply engaged in the story.
  • Rich Themes: Themes are the underlying messages of the story. They can be moral, philosophical, or social, like the exploration of survival in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, or the themes of love and sacrifice in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner.
  • Distinctive Voice and Style: How a story is told can significantly impact how readers experience it. The unique voice of Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or imaginative style of Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland set these works apart and give them unique flavor.

These elements, when woven together skillfully, create fiction that not only entertains but also resonates and remains with readers.

Benefits of Fiction

Fiction is often seen as a source of entertainment, but it’s so much more than that. Fiction has the power to move us to tears and inspire us to action. Here are a few ways reading fiction changes you for the better:

  • Cultivates Empathy: By placing readers in the shoes of diverse characters, fiction builds a bridge of understanding. Experiencing a story through the eyes of characters from different backgrounds, like in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, allows readers to develop a deeper understanding of others’ experiences.
  • Explores Complex Emotions and Situations: Fiction provides a safe space to navigate challenging emotions and scenarios. It can offer comfort during difficult times or provide insight into complex psychological states, as seen in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar.
  • Cultural and Historical Insight: Fiction often reflects the cultural and historical contexts of its setting. Engaging with novels like Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina can offer a clearer understanding of the historical and social dynamics of 19th-century Russia.
  • Respite from Reality: Life is stressful. Fiction offers an escape from our monotonous routines, and can be a source of great comfort when you’re going through hard times. It allows readers to lose themselves in other worlds, providing a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Fiction is not just a pastime but a tool for personal growth and understanding. It allows us to experience life from multiple perspectives, and reflect on (and possibly change) our own lives.

What is Nonfiction?

glasses on a book open to a mapglasses on a book open to a map

Nonfiction is writing based on facts and real events.

While I avoided the nonfiction section as a kid, I gravitate to it now. Probably because of its ability to help me understand the world around me, as well as the past.

I’ve read biographies of everyone from Benjamin Franklin to Steve Jobs, and their lives are a source of wisdom and inspiration.

Nonfiction self-help books have also given me the right tools to change my life. For example, Atomic Habits by James Clear helped me create small habits that led to big changes. Self-compassion by Kristen Neff helped me understand my inner critic and start being kinder to myself.

While I tend to go for self-help and biographies, there are other genres in the nonfiction realm. Let’s take a look!

Common Nonfiction Genres

Nonfiction covers a broad spectrum of genres, including:

  • Biographies or Memoirs: These are accounts of real people’s lives, offering intimate glimpses into their experiences. For example, The Diary of Anne Frank provides a personal perspective on historical events, written by the real person that experienced them. When biographies or memoirs use narrative structure, they can also be called “creative nonfiction” or “narrative nonfiction”.
  • Self-Help and Educational: Focused on personal improvement, these nonfiction books offer advice and wisdom, like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, which provides strategies for personal and professional efficiency.
  • Science and History: These dive into factual and educational content. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, for instance, explains complex scientific concepts in an accessible way.
  • Travel and Culture: A nonfiction book in this genre explores various cultures and places. Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson humorously and insightfully details travels across Britain.

Elements of Great Nonfiction

What makes nonfiction work great? Let’s explore some elements of outstanding nonfiction:

  • Accuracy and Research: Nonfiction is committed to truth and factual accuracy. This involves meticulous research and verification of information, as seen in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, where years of research bring to life a compelling story about science and history.
  • Clarity and Structure: Effective nonfiction breaks down complex ideas and presents them in a clear way. This ensures that the content is accessible to a wide range of readers. For example, nonfiction books like Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit distill intricate psychological concepts into helpful narratives and frameworks.
  • Engaging Narrative: Nonfiction doesn’t have to be dry; it can captivate readers with a narrative that’s as engaging as any novel. This is evident in books like Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, where the narrative is both informative and personal.
  • Relevance and Timeliness: The best nonfiction often either speaks to current issues or timeless human experiences. John Carreyrou’s Bad Blood, about the fall of Theranos, exemplifies how nonfiction can provide insights into modern business.
  • Inspirational and Motivational Elements: Nonfiction can uplift and motivate, offering stories of triumph or practical guidance. A nonfiction book, like Educated by Tara Westover, inspires readers with personal tales of overcoming adversity and pursuing knowledge.

The combination of these elements transform a nonfiction work from just source of information into a powerful tool for education, inspiration, and change.

Benefits of Nonfiction

Why read nonfiction? While fiction allows us to escape into imaginary worlds, nonfiction grounds us in reality. It helps us learn and change. Let’s take a moment to consider all the benefits of nonfiction:

  • Educational Value: From the intricacies of historical events in books like Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, to the latest scientific theories in works like The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, nonfiction educates and enlightens on numerous subjects.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Real-life success stories abound in nonfiction. Books like Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell explore the factors behind extraordinary success, offering readers both inspiration and practical lessons for their own lives.
  • Practical Skills and Strategies: Many nonfiction books provide actionable advice. Whether it’s improving personal productivity with James Clear’s Atomic Habits by or learning about finances from Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, nonfiction offers practical skills that can be applied in daily life.
  • Reflection and Self-Discovery: Nonfiction can also be a tool for self-reflection. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a quintessential example, encouraging readers to think about their own paths and pursuit of self-improvement.

Nonfiction anchors readers in the real world, providing valuable insights, practical knowledge, and a deeper understanding of the diverse aspects of life and society.

Choosing Between Fiction and Nonfiction as a Reader & Writer

woman tilting head in question with question marks behind herwoman tilting head in question with question marks behind her

Deciding whether to dive into a work of fiction or nonfiction can be guided by your current needs, interests, and goals, both as a reader and a writer.

I personally love to a mix of read both! But we only have so much free time, so here are some things to consider when deciding what to read:

As a Reader:

  • Identify Your Goals: Are you seeking an escape into imaginative worlds, or do you want to learn about a specific topic? Fiction is ideal for entertainment and emotional exploration, while nonfiction is great for learning and understanding real-world issues.
  • Consider Your Mood and Interests: If you’re in the mood for creativity and storytelling, choose fiction. If you’re curious about history or science or wish to develop personal skills, nonfiction is your go-to.
  • Mix It Up for a Balanced Diet: Regularly switching between fiction and nonfiction can enrich your reading experience, offering both the joy of stories and the satisfaction of learning.

As a Writer:

  • Align with Your Passion and Expertise: If you have a flair for storytelling and creating characters, writing fiction might be more fulfilling. But if you have expertise in a particular field or a strong desire to share real-world knowledge, try nonfiction writing.
  • Understand the Market and Audience: Research the current market trends. Fiction genres like fantasy or romance might have a broad audience, but niche nonfiction topics can also attract dedicated readerships.
  • Experiment with Both: Try writing short pieces in both genres. This experimentation can help you discover where your writing strengths and preferences lie.

Your choice between fiction and nonfiction should align with what you seek to gain or express through your reading and writing. Balancing both can lead to a richer, more diverse literary experience.

Fiction vs Nonfiction: Embracing the Power of Both Worlds

2D man holding up a page of a book2D man holding up a page of a book

The question of “fiction vs nonfiction” doesn’t have to be a war. Both types of writing have unique characteristics, benefits to offer, and the ability to make our lives better.

But hopefully now you have a better understanding of each of these categories, and can choose which one suits your goals, or even just your mood at the moment.

The most important thing you can do is just keep reading. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, it’ll change your life — guaranteed.

Write a Book, Writing

This post was originally published on December 11th, 2023 by Sarah Cha. It has been updated for clarity and comprehensiveness. 

Photo of authorPhoto of author

Ivy Shelden

Ivy Shelden is Associate Editor at Smart Blogger. When she’s not writing and carving up posts for the blog, you might catch her hula hooping to hip-hop music in her backyard, watching YouTube with her two boys or laying down a beat on her drums.

Ivy Shelden is Associate Editor at Smart Blogger and a certified book worm. Her bookshelf is packed with hundreds of books, both fiction and nonfiction. Sarah Cha is an avid writer, reader, and lifelong learner.

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Written by Ivy Shelden

Ivy Shelden is Associate Editor at Smart Blogger. When she’s not writing and carving up posts for the blog, you might catch her hula hooping to hip-hop music in her backyard, watching YouTube with her two boys or laying down a beat on her drums.


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