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Twitter/X Spaces: Waste of Time or Useful Tool?

Twitter/X Spaces: Waste of Time or Useful Tool?

by Jon Morrow


What the heck is Twitter Spaces, and should you ignore it or give it a try?

The first question is easy to answer.

A Twitter Space (now known as an X Space after the Twitter rebrand) is a live conversation you can have with your followers and anyone else who joins.

It’s simple: you go live, and people listen in. They can also request to speak if you allow it, making it a two-way conversation.

It’s a combination of audio and video. Hosts have the option of streaming video, where attendees can only interact by voice.

Think of it like a TV show with listener call-ins but on Twitter/X.

Now for the second question… should you give them a try?

After all, people in politics like them. So do crypto bros.

But what if you’re trying to build an audience for your personal brand? Or market your business?

I’ll be straight with you:

I have nearly 8000 followers, and I’ve never needed to do one. Most social media experts ignore them. If they are going live, they usually prefer to use YouTube or Instagram.

That being said…

Twitter/X Spaces Could Be an Overlooked Opportunity

Specifically, there are two scenarios where you might find them useful:

1. Building a Stronger Connection with Your Followers

People don’t just crave information – they crave connection.

This is where Twitter/X Spaces come in. Twitter/X Spaces let you have live, interactive conversations with your audience, giving you a much more powerful connection.

You’re not just a faceless account anymore. You’re a real person, and that’s what your target audience wants. They want to connect with you, hear from you, and feel like they’re part of something.

And that connection is what ultimately leads to sales.

2. Using Live Podcasts to Siphon Followers

Let’s say there is an influencer in your space with a big following.

You can use Twitter/X Spaces to do a live Q&A with them. Invite your audience of course, but then also ask them to share the Spaces link with their followers as well.

Just appearing on their feed and hearing you talk to their favorite influencer will give you credibility, and there’s a good chance you will pick up some of their followers.

Plus, you can record the interview and then syndicate it as a normal podcast episode.

In other words, it’s a way of getting extra reach without doing extra work.

Getting Started with Twitter/X Spaces

Before you jump in, make sure you’ve got the basics covered:

Here’s how to access Twitter Spaces: 

  1. If you’re using your phone or mobile device, update your X/Twitter mobile app to the latest version.
  2. Check your internet connection. A stable connection is crucial for a smooth Space.
  3. If you’re using your X/Twitter app on a computer, use a good quality microphone. Your built-in phone mic works, but a dedicated mic will make you sound more professional.

Don’t let tech issues derail your Space – test everything before you go live.

Choosing a Catchy Title

Your Space’s title is your first chance to grab attention, so make it count. Your space’s title needs to stand out in your audience’s X/Twitter feed. 

For example:

Bad title: “Marketing Discussion” 

Good title: “5 Marketing Hacks That Tripled My Sales”

The second title is specific and promises value. It tells potential listeners exactly what they’ll gain by joining.

Scheduling vs. Spontaneous Spaces

You’ve got two options: schedule in advance or go live on the spot.

Scheduled Spaces:

  • Allow you to promote beforehand
  • Give your audience time to plan
  • Can build anticipation

Spontaneous Spaces:

  • Capitalize on trending topics
  • Feel more authentic and urgent
  • Can surprise and delight your followers

I’d recommend scheduled Spaces for most people. The only exception would be if you are commenting on live news.

Inviting Speakers and Moderators

Want to invite in some other folks to chat with?

To invite a speaker:

1. Start your Space

"start now" button in X/Twitter Spaces

2. Click “Manage Space” (The icon that looks like 2 people, bottom left)

"manage space" icon in Twitter/X Spaces"manage space" icon in Twitter/X Spaces

3. Click “Invite Speakers”

"Invite speakers" button on Twitter/X Spaces"Invite speakers" button on Twitter/X Spaces

4. Type the speaker’s name and click “Send invites”

"Send Invites" button on Twitter/X spaces"Send Invites" button on Twitter/X spaces

Pro tip: Brief your speakers beforehand by giving them a rundown of the topics you’ll cover. It’ll make for a smoother, more valuable discussion.

Moderators can help manage the conversation and audience, so choose someone you trust who knows your content well.

To add a moderator:

1. Go to your listener list and find the listener you want to choose. Click the 3 dots by their profile photo.

Listeners section on Twitter/XListeners section on Twitter/X

2. Select the “Invite to Co-host” option from the menu, and the listener will become your co-host.

"Invite cohost" option on Twitter/X Spaces"Invite cohost" option on Twitter/X Spaces

Promoting Your Space Before It Goes Live

Don’t wait until you’re live to start promoting. Build buzz early.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Tweet about your upcoming Space: “Join me tomorrow at 2 PM EST for a Twitter/X Space on ‘5 Marketing Hacks That Tripled My Sales’. Bring your questions!”
  2. DM key followers or potential guests personally:“Hey [Name], I’m hosting a Space tomorrow on marketing hacks. Would love to have you join and share your insights!”
  3. Create a visually appealing promo image: Use tools like Canva to create an eye-catching graphic with your Space details.

Remember, promotion isn’t a one-and-done deal. Keep reminding your audience as the start time approaches.

Recording and Repurposing Twitter/X Spaces

Personally, I see Spaces as a way of recording content live that can be edited and repurposed later.

Twitter/X may be where you start, but you can easily take the same content to other platforms. Here’s how:

How to Record Your Space

Recording your Space is simple, but you need to plan ahead.

Steps to record:

"Record Space" toggle in Twitter/X Spaces"Record Space" toggle in Twitter/X Spaces
  1. When setting up your Space, toggle on “Record Space”
  2. Twitter/X will notify all participants that the Space is being recorded
  3. Once your Space ends, the recording will be available for 30 days
  4. You can share or download the recording during this time

Important: You can’t start recording mid-Space. Decide before you go live.

Sharing Recordings with Your Audience

Not everyone can attend live. Share your recording to extend your reach.

Ways to share:

1. Tweet the recording link: “Missed our chat on marketing hacks? Catch the recording here: [link]”.

Retweet of Twitter/X Space linkRetweet of Twitter/X Space link

2. Pin the tweet with the recording to your profile. This gives it prime real estate for anyone visiting your page.

Example of a pinned Tweet/Post in X/TwitterExample of a pinned Tweet/Post in X/Twitter

3. Include the link in your newsletter: “In case you missed it, here’s a recording of our latest Twitter/X Space on marketing strategies that boost sales.”

Creating Highlight Clips

Anytime you record live, you’ll have a lot of “dead time” where you are thinking or reading, with occasional super interesting moments.

These moments make for great highlight clips.

Some different ways to make them:

  • Use Twitter/X’s built-in clipping tool to grab segments of 30 seconds
  • Download and clip highlights of any length using an editor like Canva or Capcut
  • Upload the recording to an AI clipping tool like OpusClip

You can then repurpose these highlight clips as video posts or post them on YouTube, Instagram, and/or Tiktok.

Transcribing Key Points for Blog Posts or Tweets

Turn your audio content into written form. This makes it accessible to a wider audience and boosts your SEO.

Steps to repurpose:

  1. Use a transcription tool like to transcribe your Space
  2. Pull out key quotes or insights
  3. Turn these into:
    • A series of tweets
    • A blog post summarizing the main points
    • An email newsletter highlighting the top takeaways

By recording and repurposing your Spaces, you’re stretching the life of your content and reaching a broader audience. You’re also providing value to your followers in multiple formats, catering to different preferences.

Monetizing with Ticketed Spaces

You’ve mastered the basics of Twitter/X Spaces. Now it’s time to turn your expertise into cold, hard cash. 

What is a Ticketed Space?

Ticketed Spaces are exclusive, paid events on Twitter/X. They’re just like regular Spaces, but with a crucial difference: your audience pays to attend.

Key features of Ticketed Spaces:

  • You set the price (within Twitter/X’s limits)
  • You control the number of tickets
  • You keep the majority of the revenue (after platform fees)

Ticketed Spaces aren’t just about making money. They’re about creating value. Your audience is paying for exclusive content, intimate access, or specialized knowledge. You need to deliver.

Setting up a Ticketed Space

Before you start planning your paid event, make sure you qualify. Twitter/X has specific requirements for every Ticketed Spaces host:

  1. You must have at least 1,000 followers
  2. You need to have hosted at least 3 Spaces in the last 30 days
  3. You must be at least 18 years old
  4. Your account must be in good standing (no recent violations)

If you don’t meet these criteria, focus on growing your audience and hosting regular Spaces. The opportunity for monetization will come.

Pricing Strategies

Pricing your Ticketed Space is crucial. Too high, and you’ll scare away potential attendees. Too low, and you’re undervaluing your expertise.

Consider these factors when setting your price:

  1. The value of your content
  2. Your audience’s willingness to pay
  3. The exclusivity of the event
  4. The duration of the Space

Start with a lower price for your first Ticketed Space. As you build a reputation for delivering value, you can gradually increase your prices.

Example pricing strategy:

  • First Ticketed Space: $4.99
  • After 5 successful events: $9.99
  • For a high-value, expert-led event: $14.99

Remember, it’s better to sell out at a lower price than to have empty seats at a higher one.

Promoting Your Ticketed Space Effectively

You’ve set up your Ticketed Space, and now you need to fill those seats. Promotion is key.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Leverage your free Spaces:Use your regular Spaces to tease content from your upcoming Ticketed Space. Give your audience a taste of what they’ll get if they pay.
  2. Create a buzz on Twitter/X: Tweet about your Ticketed Space regularly. Example tweet: “Want to 10x your Instagram engagement? Join my Ticketed Space next Friday. Only 50 spots available!”
  3. Offer early bird discounts: Create urgency by offering a limited number of discounted tickets.
  4. Collaborate with other creators: Partner with complementary creators to cross-promote each other’s Ticketed Spaces.
  5. Use your email list: If you have an email list, don’t forget to promote your Ticketed Space there.
  6. Highlight the exclusivity: Emphasize the limited nature of the event. People are more likely to buy if they feel they might miss out.

Tying It Altogether

Let’s look at a fictitious example that shows how one savvy marketer turned Twitter/X Spaces into a powerful tool for growth and monetization.

Sarah, a digital marketing consultant, started using Twitter/X Spaces six months ago.

At first, she was skeptical.

She thought, “Do I really need another platform? Will anyone even listen?”

But Sarah decided to give it a shot.

She started small, hosting weekly Spaces on various digital marketing topics.

Her first Space was rough. Only 10 people showed up, and Sarah felt awkward talking to her phone. But she persisted.

She invited other experts to record interviews with her and share the Space with their own audience. She also repurposed highlights into clips she could share throughout the week.

Week by week, her audience grew. She experimented with different topics, times, and formats. She learned to relax and let her personality shine through.

Three months in, Sarah was regularly attracting 100+ listeners to her Spaces. Her Twitter/X following had doubled. Clients started mentioning her Spaces during consultations.

Sarah decided it was time to monetize. She launched her first Ticketed Space: “5 Unconventional SEO Strategies That Tripled My Client’s Traffic.”

She priced it at $9.99 and limited it to 50 attendees. She promoted it heavily, leveraging her free Spaces and Twitter/X following.

The result? She sold out in 48 hours.

The Ticketed Space was a hit. Attendees raved about the value they received. Several booked consultations with Sarah on the spot.

Encouraged, Sarah made Ticketed Spaces a regular part of her offering. She hosts one paid Space per month, alongside her weekly free Spaces.

Six months in, Sarah’s results are impressive:

  • Her Twitter/X following has quadrupled
  • She’s booked 15 new high-value clients directly from Spaces
  • Her monthly Ticketed Spaces consistently sell out, providing a new revenue stream

The key takeaways from Sarah’s experience:

  1. Consistency is crucial. Show up regularly for your audience.
  2. Provide value in every Space, free or paid.
  3. Leverage interviews with other experts to grow your audience
  4. Clip your highlights and use them as content throughout the week
  5. Don’t be afraid to monetize once you’ve built an engaged audience.
  6. Use free Spaces to drive interest in your paid offerings.

Not bad, right?

Host Your First Twitter/X Space & Grow Your Following

Twitter/X Spaces may not be popular,  but everything we’ve outlined here is still a solid strategy.

Remember, going live and interacting with your followers will create the close connection they crave.

Inviting guests to speak in your Spaces will give you access to a whole new follower base, offering you the chance to skyrocket your following.

And even better — you can repurpose your Spaces into tons of additional content.

So get your microphone ready and give Twitter/X Spaces a try.

You may be surprised at the results!

Photo of authorPhoto of author

Jon Morrow

Jon has asked repeatedly to be called “His Royal Awesomeness” but no one listens to him. So, he settles for CEO of Smart Blogger.
Jon Morrow Headshot

Jon Morrow is the CEO and Founder of Smart Blogger. He has over 7,000 followers on Twitter/X and his tweets have made over 2 million impressions.

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Jon Morrow HeadshotJon Morrow Headshot

Written by Jon Morrow

Jon has asked repeatedly to be called “His Royal Awesomeness” but no one listens to him. So, he settles for CEO of Smart Blogger.

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